
ECG Fitness Zoom Exercise Class Disclaimer

Thank you for choosing to participate in our virtual Cardiac Rehabilitation exercise classes, which are taking place via Zoom. As you will be taking part in the sessions in your own homes, there are some safety aspects you must adhere to. Please be aware that by agreeing to participate in the virtual classes you are aware of the below information:

  • You will not have access to an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) 

  • It is your responsibility to check you do not have any contraindications to exercise (see list below)

  • Check the area you plan to exercise in is safe to do so

  • You must provide ECG Fitness with your address and Next of Kin details (NOK) should the instructor need to contact anyone in the case of an emergency

Contraindications to exercise:

  • Unstable angina or new angina

  • Systolic Blood Pressure >180mmHg and/or Diastolic Blood Pressure >100mmHg

  • Resting Tachycardia >100bpm

  • Unstable or acute Heart Failure

  • Unstable Diabetes

Please note that you should not exercise if:

  • You feel unwell e.g. cold, fever, infection – body is already under stress

  • If you have forgotten to take your medication

If you develop any of the following symptoms, you should stop exercising and seek professional advice:

  • Excessive tiredness 

  • Chest discomfort or pain 

  • Pain in teeth, jaw or arms 

  • Unusual shortness of breath 

  • Headache 

  • Dizziness/feeling faint 

  • Irregular pulse 

  • Nausea/vomiting 

  • Unusual joint or muscle pain

Remember to have access to GTN spray or inhalers if prescribed. Keep hydrated by taking regular sips of water as needed. Finally, go at the right pace for you. 

☐ I [insert name] agree to the above statements and to participate in the virtual Cardiac Rehabilitation exercise classes. Date………….